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If you purchased a new policy after 26th February 2025, you can log into your account here. If you purchased your policy before 26th February 2025, or your policy is a renewal of a policy that first started before 26th February 2025, you can log in to your account here.Home » Blog » Three checks to make when Spring cleaning your documents
Posted on 6th April 2017 by Katherine Ducie
A spring clean is related to sprucing up your home but often we forget that our lives need a quick re-check too.
These days we are all so busy, letters that fall on our welcome mats get a quick read over and then popped in a drawer for safe keeping. The documents we print can sometimes sit collecting dust and we never truly get around to reading through them to check the fine print.
But what if that fine print is important? What if it’s the difference between keeping your business running or having to close it down. It’s important that your documents are up to date, especially when it comes to your insurance.
So, grab a cuppa, take a seat and let’s get everything in order.
Have you moved address within the last year? It is essential you advise your Insurers of a change of address, particularly if your office equipment is covered by your policy. Your equipment is ONLY covered at the address listed on the certificate.
If you have moved house or premises, then you need to let us know as soon as possible, otherwise your policy may not respond should you need to make a claim.
Unfortunately, this mistake is made far too often and is one of the most common issues we face. If you have bought yourself a new item, a laptop, a camera or a tablet for example are the sums insured on your policy adequate?
The sum insured shown on your certificate should be enough to replace all your items at brand new prices. If you make a claim only to discover you are underinsured it’s too late and could be costly. By keeping us updated, we can resolve your queries quickly and efficiently should the worst happen.
One final thing for you to bear in mind and be familiar with is renewal of your policy. If you are still trading and happy with your cover it’s reassuring to know that it will automatically renew keeping your business safe and thriving. New certificates are available as soon as the policy is renewed.
Please always check the information on your documents is correct, as you can see from the points above it’s essential to spend a few moments checking to give you peace of mind. If you are no longer trading or no longer require insurance cover for your business, you need to opt out of the automatic renewal process. By being prepared this could save you a lot of time in the future chasing refunds or querying charges.
I hope you find that spending the 10 minutes updating your paperwork was worthwhile. Just keep in mind that for us to provide the best service to you we need to know all of your important changes.
So, the next time you buy a new gadget or move home add a little note in your diary, to give us a call on 0333 321 1403.
It’s always one less job for next year.
Caunce O’Hara is a business insurance broker offering protection to freelancers, contractors and small businesses. Insurance is vital to all businesses. If you would like a competitive online quotation for your business insurance, please click the green button, it only take a few minutes.
Click here for a quick online business insurance quote
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