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IR35 Hub
HMRC launches consultation into IR35 ‘double taxation’
A concise guide to the Managed Service Company (MSC) legislation
Case law examples that have helped determine employment status and IR35
Managed Service Company (MSC) legislation: an expert's overview for contractors
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s back to Chapter 10 we go!
Plans to repeal IR35 scrapped by new Chancellor
Off-payroll working legislation IR35 reforms to be repealed from April 2023
More tax avoidance schemes identified by HMRC
Will the new prime minister amend IR35?
Contracts with overseas fee-payers: pros and cons
Contractors hit with huge tax bills for breaching Managed Service Company rules
What are the implications of being a UK resident, but running your company from overseas?
Top TV stars to pay more tax and potentially lose some freedom in contract crackdown
What is the difference between project-based vs task-based engagements in relation to IR35?
IR35: Private sector firms warned of potentially large HMRC penalties on the horizon
IR35 one year on. 60% of contractors report drop in income.
A brief explanation of the Key Information Document (KID)
Contractors could be entitled to reclaim tax if IR35 is misapplied
Investigation into the IR35 reforms launched by the National Audit Office (NAO)
Seven year nightmare over for presenter Adrian Chiles as Basic Broadcasting Limited wins IR35 appeal
Umbrella consultation underway
Former SKY Sports presenter landing with heavy IR35 tax bill
Key stats about IR35 six months after the reform went live
What do recruitment agencies need to do to protect themselves from IR35?
IR35 private sector changes 6 months on
Blanket contractor IR35 decisions U-turn by Network Rail
HM Courts & Tribunal Service becomes the third government department to be hit with IR35 tax bill
Home Office hit with huge IR35 tax bill
DWP hit with huge tax bill for historic IR35 contractor status assessment errors
IR35 and Umbrella companies - how does contracting through an Umbrella company make a difference?
IR35 private sector changes to go ahead next week
Kaye Adams wins case and is ruled outside IR35 due to being ‘in business on own account’
UK Supreme Court rules that Uber drivers are workers not self-employed
What is my IR35 status?
Factors that determine IR35 status
Contractor's IR35 Guide & PI Insurance
New IR35 Rules explained
Private sector IR35 soon to be reality
Just 2 months left until the IR35 reform: what do contractors need to know?
How to protect against an IR35 tax investigation
What is IR35 and who does it apply to?
Can contractors working on contracts inside IR35 still work through a limited company?
Why end-client businesses should make their IR35 decisions now
Fee payers: Your IR35 responsibilities and your liability
What to expect from a HMRC IR35 investigation
Frequently asked questions about the IR35 in 2021
IR35 Where are we now and what does the future hold?
The Essential Guide to IR35 in April 2021 - Part 5
The Essential Guide to IR35 in April 2021 - Part 4
The Essential Guide to IR35 in April 2021 - Part 3
The Essential Guide to IR35 in April 2021 – Part 2
The Essential Guide to IR35 in April 2021 – Part 1
The blanket approach to IR35
How Legal Expenses insurance can help you in the event of an IR35 tax investigation
Who pays the Piper? The Relevant Person and IR35 Debt Transfers
IR35 news: Eamonn Holmes loses his IR35 case against HMRC
HMRC “kicks back” in latest IR35 case
6 Questions you need to ask yourself about IR35
Tax Enquiry & Legal Expenses Insurance
Tax Losses Insurance
Professional Expenses Insurance
PI Insurance
IR35 Calculator
The impact on contractors of the deferral of private sector IR35 reform until April 2021
Why do I need an IR35 contract review?
What is a Personal Service Company?
What is IR35 and how does it work?
What is a contract review and do I need one?
IR35 changes 2021: What you need to know
What is inside and outside IR35
Off-payroll working in the private sector
Contractors' IR35 Guide
True or false: Myths around IR35
IR35 checklist for contractors
The impact of finance sector IR35 decisions on contractors
Lord’s committee expresses concerns over IR35
Suggestions to move IR35 reforms to 2023 are rejected
COVID-19 and IR35: Should your clients relax now the legislation is postponed?
How contractors can appeal a failed IR35 review decision
Fee-payers' IR35 Guide
11th hour delay for IR35 private sector reform due to COVID-19 welcomed
Will contractors still need insurance for IR35 after April 6th?
IR35 Timeline
What is IR35 and how will it affect you as a freelance contractor?
No delay to IR35 rollout as the Government launches off-payroll review
What end-clients and employers should know about the April 2021 changes to IR35 in the private sector
Can I insure against IR35?
What are the political parties saying about IR35?
The Right of Substitution
Mutuality of Obligation (MOO)
Retain your control as a contractor to keep IR35 at bay
Six reasons for PSCs to be proactive to respond to the IR35 private sector changes and not wait until April 2020 to do so!
The importance of an IR35 Contract Review for private sector contractors
What impact will IR35 reforms have on North Sea operators?
Contractors concerned about their IR35 status can take steps to protect themselves
Contractors, IR35 and being prepared
Are you ready for IR35 changes?
IR35 and CEST Update
5 things that private sector contractors can do to prepare for IR35
Insurance cover for freelancers and contractors to protect themselves against IR35 tax bills
What is IR35 and how does it affect you?
PSCs inside IR35 – Keep Calm and carry out some research
U-Turn on Self-employed NIC but no change to Public Sector rules on IR35
Knowledge Centre
How to write a Business Plan
Small business guide: How to forecast cashflow for your business
A concise guide to understanding the Director's Loan Account
Breach of confidentiality explained
A useful guide to employers’ liability insurance for small businesses
A useful guide to public liability insurance for small businesses
How to make the change from sole trader to limited company
How to make a claim on your tradesman insurance policy
What are the differences between civil and criminal negligence, and how professional indemnity insurance can help
Copyright myths, infringement and the need for professional indemnity cover
Contractual risk transfer explained
What is Plant Insurance? Plant hire insurance explained.
A guide to product liability insurance
What does ‘claims made’ basis mean?
Guide to insurance for trades professionals
What is business interruption insurance?
How business insurance can protect Photographers against claims
Understanding your responsibilities as a company director
Guide to insurance for IT Contractors and IT consultants
Guide to insurance for recruitment agencies and recruitment consultants
A guide to business insurance for property professionals and estate agents
Why confidentiality in business is so important
How you can protect your intellectual property and copyright
Starting a new business? Make sure you’re covered.
How to keep liability claims to a minimum and minimise the risk to your small business
An introduction to risk management
Trade Marks: Everything you need to know from registration to infringement
A simple guide to contractor insurance
Professional negligence explained
What is Directors & Officers insurance? D&O insurance explained
Which are the best liabilities insurance policies for energy contractors, and why?
Public Liability insurance vs Employers’ Liability insurance vs Product Liability insurance - the liability insurance differences explained
What’s the difference between a freelancer, a contractor, a sub-contractor, and a consultant?
Key points to consider before starting your own business
How to register your business at Companies House
What is Commercial Combined Insurance?
Which insurance policies protect railway contractors? A guide to rail contractor and rail engineer insurance
What are contractor blanket decisions and why do companies use them?
What is a Status Determination Statement (SDS)?
IR35: What is ‘reasonable care’?
Support for contractors during the Covid-19 outbreak
FAQs for Employers on Ending Furlough and Requiring Employees to Return to Work
CIS deductions affecting cash-flow
COVID-19: Legal advice for contractors
How does an Umbrella company work?
Do I need insurance if I close my business?
Which insurance is the best for engineers and engineering contractors?
A simple guide to business insurance for freelancers and contractors
The freelancer's guide to insurance
Avoiding Underinsurance
Small Business Insurance – Understanding the essentials
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Employers' Liability Insurances
Legal Expenses and Tax Investigation Insurances
Personal Accident Insurances
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Cyber Insurances
Directors and Officers Insurances
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