Posted on 14th November 2016 by Katherine Ducie
In a world of powerful technology, interacting directly with customers, obtaining relevant data about them and tailoring your product to meet their needs has never been easier.
Gone are the days of mass marketing, mass media and impersonal transactions. Customers of today expect interaction with the companies they purchase from.
It’s not just how you market to a customer that is important. Potential customers want to hear from existing users of your service and product before they make their own purchase decision. Effectively, how your customers talk about you, or not, is very influential.
How often do you look on TripAdvisor before deciding which restaurant to eat at or which hotel to stay in? How often do you read reviews online before deciding to make your purchase? Do they influence your purchase decision?
The customer journey has changed. Customers now take to the internet, want to read reviews, ask others for their experience and understand more about the product or service before they even consider investigating in further detail.
This is what Google refer to as the Zero Moment of Truth (ZOMT). Customer buying habits have changed.
Once a stimulus has been triggered, for example the need or desire to seek a product or service, customers then take to the internet to find out more, the ZMOT. Only if they like what they see and read do they move on to the next stage.
So customers like the reviews, they purchase your product/service, what do they do next? The internet has created a platform for customers to share their experience with the rest of the world. Effectively your customers are doing an element of sales for you, assuming positive reviews are left.
This ultimate moment of truth is key, take a look at the stats;
Embrace platforms that allow your customer to read and talk about your business. Don’t be put off by the possibility of negative reviews. They are an opportunity for you to improve. Resolved in the right way they actually become a positive reflection of your customer service.
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